Home » Runny Egg Warm Asparagus Salad

Runny Egg Warm Asparagus Salad

by Kristen

Thank-you to the Iowa Egg Council for sponsoring today’s post.  

During this time of quarantining and uncertainty, one thing I have been doing a lot lately is listening to podcasts.  I can’t tell you how comforting it is to hear real-life people who are going through the same things I am.   One thing I have noticed during almost every current podcast I have listened to is the host asks their guests, ” How are you doing?” at the beginning of each podcast.   And the most frequent answer I have heard is, ” I am reconnecting with my family, and we are spending time cooking simple meals at home.”

My family has been doing the same thing.

We have limited our trips to the grocery store to once every two weeks.  We are sticking to the basics this season, and trying to make our food stretch as much as we can.  We are also trying to buy fresh local ingredients whenever possible.  Supporting our local economy during these uncertain times is important to us.

I can’t think of a more delicious, simple meal than this runny egg warm asparagus salad.   This is the season for seeing asparagus popping up around Iowa, plus I have a few containers of eggs on each of my grocery pick-up orders.  

Did you know that if you had eggs today, there is a good chance they came from Iowa?  1/6 eggs produced in the United States were produced in Iowa!

The Iowa Egg Council shares many delicious egg recipes on their website, and all across their social media channels. You might also find some educational tidbits and egg farming videos you can incorporate into your homeschooling curriculum!

You can find them on






Before I get to my recipe, I want to discuss a few tips on how to handle your eggs during this time of crisis.   If you are buying food in bulk to avoid trips to the store, it is essential to store your food correctly.  Eggs are a great item to have around.

Eggs are a great source of protein, they are affordable, and they last a long time.  Did you know that you can freeze eggs?

They also last in your fridge longer than one would think.  You can use eggs for up to five weeks after the sell-by date!

Eggs you buy in a carton or liquid eggs are both nutritious options!  If your store is out of one, look for the other!

These are all great tips!  Thank-you, Iowa Egg Council!  Did you know that May is National Egg Month?  I can’t think of a better time to celebrate Iowa’s egg farmers! Thank-you for ensuring families in our country are getting the eggs they need!

Now let’s get back to this delicious salad!

This is such a simple meal that can be eaten for breakfast, brunch, lunch, or dinner!  You could also make a bigger salad than this to take to a pot luck! ( when we’re allowed to have them again 🙂 ).


  • 2 pounds asparagus trimmed
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • Sea Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 1-2 fried eggs per serving
  • 2-4 pieces of deli ham cut into pieces
  • 2 green onions chopped

Fried Eggs

  • eggs
  • butter or olive oil


  1. Steam Asparagus. Wash and trim the asparagus. Place them in the top half of a steamer pan set. Steam for 10-12 minutes, depending on the thickness of the asparagus or until the asparagus is tender.

  2. Mix the balsamic vinegar and olive oil together. Add Salt and pepper to taste.

  3. Chop up ham slices and green onions.

  4. Fry Eggs. Coat a saucepan with olive oil or melted butter. Crack an egg in a measuring cup then into the pan. Cook the egg for a few minutes without moving it. The whites will start to set, followed by the yolk. Remove from heat and place on the asparagus.

  5. Top the salad with green onions, ham, and other herbs you like.

My husband and I enjoyed this salad for a delicious lunch on a day when our family was busy enjoying the beautiful weather outside.  Cooking feasts like this one has brought my family a lot of joy during these uncertain times.  Thank you to all of the people out there, keeping our food chain intact!  If you want to teach your kids about egg farming during quarantine, head over to the Iowa Egg Council’s youtube channel!

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20 delicious ways to make eggs for dinner – Make the Best of Everything January 14, 2021 - 8:29 pm

[…] Runny Egg Warm Asparagus Salad  […]

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