I REALLY love coffee. Actually, I would go as far to say that most of the time I RELY on coffee. I don’t need to drink coffee all day. I just need that 1 small cup of coffee to get me going. It does not even need to be caffeinated. Although usually it is. I love waking up about 45 minutes before I know my son wakes up, I like to go downstairs where it is quiet and drink a small cup of coffee before the chaos of my day starts.
I also tend to love coffee in the afternoon. When I am trying to survive a crazy day I often warm up another 1/2 cup of coffee to refocus on everything I need to do. ( On a REALLY crazy day, I might end up in the Starbucks drive through)
Most of my immediate family and my husband’s immediate family shares my love ( need) for coffee. But I have several good friends that don’t drink coffee at ALL. AT ALL! These people don’t even own a coffee pot!
A DIY Coffee Brewing Bag is a great thing to bring with you to places that might not have coffee. And they are easy to make!
Perhaps you have seen on Pinterest, that you can make tea bags with coffee filters. I took this idea to fit MY lifestyle. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to brew coffee in a DIY tea bag?
Before out homes all had fancy brewing systems people had a much simpler way of brewing coffee. Using a coffee brewing bag works quite well.
The best part about this is, that ” Coffee Snobs” Can brew the coffee of their choice wherever they happen to be!
Folding a ” Coffee brewing Bag” is easy. You can use a coffee filter or you can also use cheese cloth. Your brewing bag can be secured by sewing a few stitches with simple white string OR by using a staple.
Brew your coffee bag as long as you wish. You may have to experiment with yours a few times before you get it just the way you want it!
This is also a great idea to make these in place of those expensive one cup brewing systems. Just think of how many kinds of these you can make if you get creative enough!
[…] 17.DIY Coffee Brewing Bags […]
Rock Roll Coffee Mug
[…] some filters that I bought for loose tea. So I decided to put some coffee in th […]
Rumbouts coffee from Belgium has the coffee bag with a string. One of the best cup of coffee I have had ever!
Hi I WNT Ro Make these how how much HOT Water do U pour over the. Cofee bags
I love To try this case case I hate making coffee and CLEANING UP JUST For One Cup so If Up COULD TELL Me How MUCH WATER That Be GREAT LOVE Ur Ideal.
I would do 3/4 cup or 1 cup- depending on how strong you want it.
[…] similar to instant, perhaps a notch better. I know some bike tourists live on these. You can also rock some DIY and make your own with your preferred brand of […]
Oh, I love this idea. I have been looking for these in the store for my mom (she is 92) and can’t find any. Now I can make some for her. Thanks.
I left this post to go look at more recent posts. I am definitely going to follow you. Wonderful ideas!
My day seems incomplete with a cup of coffee.. Your idea in brewing method helps me a lot. Reading your blog just save my time and effort in brewing. Keep posting 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing this. Although you are ruining my argument for needing a Keurig, I appreciate the time you spent. I can’t believe I never thought of this.
I am one of those weird people who do not even own a coffee pot. LOL (My vice is chocolate.) But I want to be able to have coffee for family and friends that come over. Thanks for this idea; it’s really neat!!
I tried to pin this and the image was too small. I dont know how to fix it. Could you send it to me on Pinterest? Or e-mail how to change image.
Blessings n thank you . N a big duh moment for me….
this is me…
I genuinely value this post. I have been looking all over for this! Thank goodness I discovered it on Bing. You’ve made my day! Thank you once again…
I’ve been looking for a way to make my own coffee bags. I have a Senseo coffee maker and the bags are getting hard to find. I can’t believe I didn’t think of this…especially since I still have my coffee filters from past coffee pot staring me in the face 🙂 You are a life saver n I appreciate you! Now I can purchase my favorite coffee n live another happy day! Thanks again you are AWESOME!!!
Hi Kristen, I found you over at DIY Home World. This is such a great idea! There are many times when this would have really come in handy. I’m definitely going to be giving it a try. I like Vicki’s suggestion too of adding the creamer to the bag, since I use non-dairy creamer in my coffee. Thanks for sharing your idea, I’m pinning it!
[…] Homemade Coffee Brewing Bags […]
Great ideea!
From Romania – Melly
[…] Brewing Bag Tutorial at Make the Best of Everything Blog […]
Great idea but what coffee do you use – gound from the beans or instant? Fitting the powdered creamer in also sounds like a good idea. I do a lot of camping so it would Coffee Bags would be great.
That’s such a great idea. I would never use them at home since I MUST have an entire pot of coffee each morning. LOL But, I am a terrible coffee snob and order our coffee direct from the roaster in MN so coffee anywhere but our house tastes weak. I even grind my own beans each morning too. But, this would be an awesome idea to take with when we are going to a restaurant that we know has horrible coffee. I wonder even why you couldn’t buy the flavored powdered creamer and put that inside the bags too. Then you would be all set since it’s hard to take the liquid creamer with
I was thinking about how to make these just the other day!! Thanks for the help!!
This works great! I was buying coffee singles which are expensive. I had some filters that I bought for loose tea. So I decided to put some coffee in the filter and brew it in a single mug. It works perfectly. So much less expensive and convenient. You can buy the filters in a healthfood store or tea shop. I got mine at Teavana.
30 something years ago, when I was in college, this was my marketing group’s project. We designed a total campaign for marketing “coffee bags”. At the time, we used tea bags which we carefully emptied and then filled with ground coffee. We designed a logo and made a mock up using a 1 lb coffee can and our can wrapper. It was a great idea then, and still it is.