Home » Butternut Squash Chowder with Kale, Corn and Italian Sausage

Butternut Squash Chowder with Kale, Corn and Italian Sausage

by Kristen


It has been so beautiful this fall, but I still love fall soups!   I had a baby two weeks ago, and I am on a mission to eat healthily!  I am pretty lucky because most of my clothes fit me right when I got home from the hospital with my little man.

But still, through all the sleepless nights, keeping my older boys from poking the baby and trying to get my older two boys to school and their lessons on time,  healthy crockpot soups seem like an excellent way to go — lots of comforting veggies.

This chowder has a creamy butternut squash base and was made in the slow cooker.  This was easy to make and had tons of flavor!


My husband doesn’t always love having soup for dinner- but since this one was hearty and had Italian Sausage in it- he was game.  Although this is made in a slow cooker- there are two different steps.  Cooking the base of the soup- then adding other ingredients an hour or so before eating.


Slow Cooker Butternut Squash Chowder


1 Medium-sized butternut squash- peeled and chopped

32 ounces of vegetable broth- you can use chicken broth too

One medium onion – chopped

One bag of frozen corn

1-2 cups of chopped kale

Two carrots – chopped

Two stalks of celery – chopped

Two cooked Italian sausages- cut into thin rounds

1 cup of milk

Method:  In your slow cooker, cook squash, broth, and onion.  Let those three ingredients cook until the squash and onion are softened- a few hours.  Blend the mixture with your immersion blender.  Once you achieve a butternut squash puree, add the rest of the ingredients.  Kale, carrots, celery, and Italian sausage. Let cook for at least another hour.   Add some milk before eating.  You can exclude milk if you like.



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