Home » 65 Two-Minute Elf on the Shelf Ideas for 2024

65 Two-Minute Elf on the Shelf Ideas for 2024

Easy and no need to buy anything

by Kristen

Need a last-minute Elf on the Shelf idea?  My kids love it when Santa sends our Elf to our house during the holiday season!  They always look forward to waking up in the morning to see where they might see our magic elf when he returns from the North Pole!  Will he turn up in the bathroom?  On the counter? Will he turn up with gifts?  After a few days of moving, the Elf can become daunting for mom or dad.   If it’s late and you need easy Elf on-the-shelf ideas, you’re in the right spot!  Here are the best elf-on-the-shelf ideas for elf season!

I have moved our Elf on the shelf from December 1st through Christmas Eve for ten years. You’re in the right spot if you require new, EASY, cute elf setups! Here is my list of lazy mom or dad elf-on-the-shelf ideas to help inspire your creativity! 

A few Elf on the Shelf Tips

1. Purchase some sticky tac and stick it on the back of the Elf’s head. This will help you attach the Elf to places around the house.

2. Place the Elf in places where your kids can’t reach. It makes it so much easier if your elf setups don’t get in the way of your day-to-day life. I always avoid placing ours on the kitchen table.

3. The Elf shouldn’t make a big mess. If your Elf is making a flour angel or you are making a set up with marshmallows, lay out parchment paper first for easy cleanup

4. The Elf shouldn’t bring gifts- kids nowadays get so much this time of year. I don’t have my Elf bring gifts to the kids besides a cereal box or a candy cane.

5. Use items you already have around the house. Use your kids’ toys, family photos, toilet paper rolls, tissue boxes, shoe boxes,  goldfish crackers, barbie dolls, a roll of toilet paper, a ribbon, popcorn, a banana, toothpaste, a candy jar, or other household items.    You get the idea. There is no need to go out and buy some stuff for your setups.

I will add more setups to this post as the years go on!

I must admit that our Elf has been a lazy elf for the past few years. Nobody wants to come up with an elf idea every single night. Many nights, we stick him on a high surface, like the refrigerator, on top of the sink, or the wall over the couch. But I do like to put in effort every third day or so. There are many fun setups you can create even with minimal effort.

Lazy Parent Elf on the Shelf Set-Ups

  1. Ironing Chips 

2. Drinking Syrup in the fridge. 

3. Wrapped in Tin Foil 

4. Being A Door Able! ( such a mischievous elf) 

5. Getting Cozy in a Pair of Christmas Socks! 

6. Wrapping Paper Stilts. ( such a fun elf) 

7. Wrap Star- It’s nice to have some extra wrappers this year!

8. No need to buy new Christmas books.  Have your elf set up the ones you already have!

9. Elf Menu

10. ICUP- my kids’ favorite elementary school joke.

11. The National Poop Museum but a sweet treat! ( set up by my 10 year old)


12. Christmas Tree and Chair Made from Mega Blocks

13. Hanging out with some Christmas bows

14. Sitting with Olaf

15. Camping out under a book- All you need is a book, flashlight, and a towel to act as a blanket 

16. Napping in toys. When my boys were young, their nap was necessary!

17. Elf sharing an Elf Joke- the kids like these.

18. Elf Cookies  

19. Elf covered in Christmas stickers

20. Paper Towel Snowman

21. Watching through binoculars.

22. Marshmallow Bath using marshmallows and a small bowl.  Marshmallow Bath using marshmallows and a small bowl.   You can also use cotton balls for your bath.

23. Hanging out with baby Jesus and stable animals.

24. Sharing a sweet drink with Mickey Mouse

25. Sprinkle Snow Angel  ( for easy cleanup, make this on parchment paper)

26. Elf Reindeer Cookies

27. Popping through Rice Krispies


28. Locked in a candy jar

29. Elf Hot Chocolate

30. The Elf drew mustaches on the boys with a dry-erase marker

31. Drinking fresh orange juice.  All you need for this setup is an orange and a straw.

32. Hanging out on the ceiling fan.  You can also have the elf hang from the chandelier.

33. Wearing my sons’ snow boots with paper towel gloves and scarf

34. Wearing our Harry Potter costume

35. Hanging out in a cup in the cupboard or pantry.

36. It hangs from a hanger, hanging from a light fixture.

37. Cleaning teeth with Crocodile Dentist 

38. Jingle Bells Batman Smells!


39. Sprinkle Bath

40. Elf looking in a box of cereal

41. Warming up with a piece of toast

42. Elf makes up a game for the kids.

43. Elf is locked outside!

44. Dressed up as Rudolph

45. Hanging around in underwear. ( my kids love this one)

46. Our Elf is using Christmas ornaments as a prop.

47. Poofy Ball Ball Pit.

48. Hanging out in the advent chains.

49. Wrapped up in a tin foil Hershey Kiss

50. Elf is bringing breakfast for the kids!

51. Elf is acting silly in toilet paper rolls.

52. Caught in the Instant Pot Trivet

53. Candy Cane Heart 

54. Cooking with chips

55. Elf is in our hamster ball

56. It’s Corn! ( new in 2022)

57. Popping out of a Gatorade Bottle

58. Elf Hanging out with apples in the fruit basket.

59. Elf Hanging out on top of a globe pointing out the North Pole.

60. Peeking out of the cookie jar.

61. Elf coming home from the Christmas tree farm

62. Elf made a snowman that melted ( class of water with a carrot nose and a face written with a dry-erase marker)

63. Elf sitting on a swing made out of a toilet paper roll ( held up with painter’s tape and twine)

50. Elf sends a message on a banana.

There are so many easy ideas to help you kick off the Christmas season!  I usually pull out Elfy at the end of November!

There is no need to go out and buy a bunch of elf-on-the-shelf accessories for your elf on the shelf.  I encourage you to use crafts, Christmas decorations,  and snacks around the house, such as mini marshmallows for your elf setups!  I hope this post inspires you with easy ideas and funny elf antics.  You can also find many free printables on Amazon or Pinterest.

Did you use any of these easy and quick elf ideas?  What type of mischief did your elf get into this season?   I would love to see photos of you using these Elf Setups! Please tag me on social media and see the setups you made for the Elf on the Shelf!  I would love to hear about your success with these quick ideas.   I am on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.   Merry Christmas! Christmastime is my favorite time of the year!

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Steph December 9, 2022 - 6:11 am

You literally saved me…. This will be the last year for our lil Max! Cuz Imma done with the elf, my girl will be nine anyhow, so .. should be time!! LoL 🤣😆
Thank you for ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the tips!

Kristen December 11, 2022 - 9:51 pm

you are welcome!

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